Want to learn to Greek dance?
Join us to learn authentic, traditional dances from all regions of Greece and Cyprus. We teach dancers ranging from novice to highly experienced. A broad variety of dances are learned and gives dancers the opportunity to take part in the group’s performances. There is no fee to be a member of the group, and being Greek or Greek Orthodox is not a requirement. This is a multi-age, multi-generational dance group, representative of the entire village, as Greek people danced in the past and continue to do so today. Ages 5 and up are welcome.
Where and when are practices?
Practices are held on Sundays in the social hall at St. George Greek Orthodox Church, 1111 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105. From September to April, practice is held from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM. From May to August, practice is held from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. If necessary, additional practice times and locations are determined by agreement of the dancers. Practice is not held on performance weekends unless dancers are informed otherwise.
2025: No practice from February 23 through April. Practice will resume on May 4. Check back later for other “no practice” dates.
What do we learn?
Over 100 dances have been learned during the 25+ years the group has been together. Of course, members are not expected to perform this substantial number of dances during the course of a performing year. The group is continually introduced to new dances which keeps all members challenged and progressing. Dances are taught from various regions of Greece, former regions of Greek populations, and from Cyprus. Preparation for a scheduled performance involves instruction and practice so that the performers can feel confident and enjoy the performance.
Authentic costumes are worn during all dance performances. To learn about our costumes and their historical significance, please visit Our Costumes page.